Ep. 41: Is Lazy Money a Concern Today?

Liz Whitteberry |

Is 'Lazy Money' still a concern in 2024's higher interest rate landscape? In this episode, we explore this question, examining how the recent rise in interest rates affects the money sitting in savings accounts, CDs, and conservative investments.

Stay tuned as we cover where these options fit in a savvy investment strategy. You’ll gain valuable insights into making your money work smarter, ensuring that your retirement portfolio not only meets your needs today but continues to do so in the ever-changing financial landscape of the future.


Here’s some of what we discuss in today’s show:

  • What do we mean when we say, “lazy money?”
  • The dangers of having too much "lazy money" in investments
  • Investing during periods of high inflation + considering real-life expenses when creating a retirement plan
  • Various reasons why people end up with too much lazy money in their portfolio
  • Having a comprehensive retirement plan that makes sure your money is working effectively towards your goals


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You can have the right amount of lazy money... you shouldn't have none. But you can have the right amount, and make sure that everything else is doing the work it needs to do for your retirement plan.